All creative, written and artistic works are property of Martha Lynn Laskie, Graphic Design Incorporated; {MLLGD inc.}. also known as [the artist/author] and may not be recreated, distributed, or applied for purposes of profit without express written consent of artist/author. Upon distribution, said artistic works shall be under the direct supervision of Martha Lynn Laskie to ensure the artistic and professional integrity of every piece created by the artist/author. Full identity systems and logos for any and all companies are total property of MLLGD inc. for purposes of demonstration. Application of any kind of identity system shall be under the full direction of artist/author and must be approved for both creative direction and application by said artist/author. Martha Lynn Laskie Graphic Design & Illustration will present all works for presentation purpose and will be included in portfolio samples upon request. These may also include previous iterations, sketches, mock-ups and idea generation incurred before final completion of project. All concepts, designs, typefaces, artwork, and layout are under the direct supervision of Martha Lynn Laskie and upon change must be approved by the artist/author until payment in full is made. No logo or any part of the design shall be changed in any way without the express written consent of Martha Lynn Laskie and sign off  by the client. All finalized files will be released to the client upon payment in full for client use and/or will be transferred to the client for full ownership.

Pricing shall be determined based on the job by job basis and shall be agreed upon by Martha L. Laskie and the client. Printing costs, quantity, and specifications determine the price among other variables. Basic design charges shall be subject to every job, or a flat fee shall be agreed upon by the customer and artist/author. Hourly design and illustration rates are subject to change based on industry standards.

The basic design rate is $125 per hour unless otherwise agreed upon by the client. Subscription rates are available upon request by the client as a discounted rate or “Locked In” as agreed upon by MLLGD inc. and the client as per client need. Pricing and costs are provided by the American Graphic Guild Guide to Ethical Pricing and Procedure Basic Pricing Standards1 and industry standards within the region. All digital proofs will be provided via link or PDF with a watermark until full payment is met for entire project. Digital mock up design for products begin at $75 per piece. Monthly or quarterly retainer rates are available at an allotment of 24 uninterrupted hours of design time for basic revisions, changes and edits. Separate charges will occur when allotment of design time has been exceeded or if the individual project exceeds 24 hours design time. In such cases ,a separate invoice will be created to reflect that particular project.

A 50% non-refundable deposit shall be placed for all works under agreement by the client and artist/author. All printed works shall be proofed and signed off by the client before they go to finalized print. No piece shall be created without express written sign-off by the client for approval, and a signature shall always be provided by the client for approval to be processed. Vendor charges vary, and the client may incur rush charges as per specific vendor specifications, as approved by artist/author and client. There will never be any hidden fees or cost the client is not given advance notice of. Custom mock-ups are not included in packages. Additional supplemental materials that were not originally agreed to, in the initial package agreement are not included in packages and will incur regular design time rates. Individual Mock ups, samples either print or digital are $75/per and will be provided as per client request. These fees can be waived only when provided by artist/author discretion. Any content or material generated by “Artificial Intelligence” softwares such as ChatGPT or similar software will be sited upon the document as well as full release. Content created by GAI tools will be used in conceptual iterations only. Final designed materials will be produced by Martha Lynn Laskie Graphic Design & Illustration. {MLLGD inc.}

Full ownership or all domains and finalized files will be transferred to the client upon full payment of project. Copyright and registration will be determined upon client need. Trademarks and Registration marks will be applied upon registration with the USPTO or similar platform. Clients are encouraged to seek legal council for copyright law and registration marks for larger firms. Any material generated by computed aided software will be subject to federal regulation in compliance within the law. Financial client materials will adhere to FTC regulatory commissions as per protocol and proprietary materials, content and information will not be shared with the public at large. Presentation materials will be display in ‘shell’ form with filler copy only unless otherwise given express permission form the client.

Website design rates do not include hosting costs. Hosting costs can be built into inclusive business packages for a period of one year unless otherwise agreed upon rates. After a period of one year, subscription updates will be sent to the client. Image and video purchases, typeface purchases, and third-party plug-in purchases will be added to package rates or will be presented as additional costs as needed by the client. All stock video and images will be downloaded via a established image purchasing stock platform to ensure proper usage and proprietorial licensing. These can be provided via FreePik, Adobe Stock, Getty or Shutterstock or similar platforms. The images will be sized accordingly as well as digitally manipulated as the project requires. This will also apply to typography purchases if needed, however; free typefaces will be utilized whenever available via Google fonts or Adobe fonts, for easy access to office wide availability.

Credit card processing provided by Paypal. The client will be subject to any fees applied by the credit vendor. Venmo, Zelle, and all online payment portals accepted. Credit card payments will be made on client’s behalf upon the written consent form provided. Vendor fees may apply.

All personal information shall be kept for a period of two weeks and then destroyed to protect client identity and prevent identity theft. We are not responsible for any data breaches that may occur by vendors, banks, or other third-party institutions. Credit card accounts will be kept on file upon client directive, otherwise will be digitally discarded to protect the identity of the client.

Rush charges or delivery costs may apply as per client demand. Delivery provided by Martha Lynn Laskie herself, or provided via FedEx or UPS delivery fees may apply. Unless otherwise specified, on behalf of the client, all paper stocks, supplies, and imagery are purchased by Martha Lynn Laskie and are chosen with the customer’s best interest in mind. Paper samples and print samples hard copy proofs may be provided and are subject to proofing fees depending on the vendor. Only high-quality stocks and printing options will be given to clients, low-end and poor quality options are not available by Martha Lynn Laskie Graphic Design & Illustration. Digital signatures shall be provided via e-mail.

If a customer is not satisfied with the quality of work presented, the customer has the right to sever the contract, but will not be refunded basic design time charges incurred. Reprints and revisions are available upon request, with additional print fees based on vendor discretion.

Martha Lynn Laskie reserves the right to deny service to any potential client in the event the client exhibits inappropriate behavior or requests crude content. MLLGD inc. reserves the right to sever any contract with the client in the event the client becomes unreasonable or disrespectful without a refund. We provide friendly, respectable, and professional customer service, and expect the same in return. Martha Lynn Laskie Graphic Design & Illustration is open and respectful to all lifestyles, races, religions, and political views.


The Department of Justice’s revised regulations for Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) were published in the Federal Register on September 15, 2010. These regulations adopted revised, enforceable accessibility standards called the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design, "2010 Standards." On March 15, 2012, compliance with the 2010 Standards was required for new construction and alterations under Titles II and III. March 15, 2012, is also the compliance date for using the 2010 Standards for program accessibility and barrier removal.  The Department has assembled an official online version of the 2010 Standards to bring together the information in one easy-to-access location.  It provides the scoping and technical requirements for new construction and alterations resulting from the adoption of revised 2010 Standards in the final rules for Title II (28 CFR part 35) and Title III (28 CFR part 36). (2)

The Department has also compiled Guidance on the 2010 Standards from the revised regulations for Titles II and III. This explanatory information from the regulations addresses the scoping and technical provisions of the 2010 Standards. The Department of Justice and courts have made it clear that websites are subject to the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Website accessibility is a civil right. Martha Lynn Laskie Graphic Design & Illustration is not responsible for any legal action that may be taken against a client due to ADA non-compliance.

1. Blake, R., Kisielewska, L.(2018). The Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines 15th. Edition Graphic Artists Guild (Multiple). New York: Adams Media Simon & Schuster.
2. https://www.ada.gov/2010ADAstandards_index.html